Recette: Parfait Sauce tzatziki

Sauce tzatziki. In a food processor or blender, combine yogurt, cucumber, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, dill and garlic. Transfer to a separate dish, cover and refrigerate for at least one hour for best flavor. Drain some low-fat yogurt overnight to make this yummy cucumber dressing.

Sauce tzatziki Added another clove of garlic ( werewolves in Florida). Eliminated the parsley and go a little bit heavier on the fresh dill. To make this a true tzatziki sauce, I did add one very large deseeded cucumber. Vous pouvez cuisiner Sauce tzatziki utilisant 4 Ingrédients et 3 instructions. Voici comment vous cuisinez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Sauce tzatziki

  1. Vous avez besoin 2 of concombre.
  2. Vous avez besoin 1 of citron.
  3. C'est 1 cc of sel.
  4. C'est of Yaourt grecque.

I seriously ate myself sick on this with a bag of sea salt pita chips. NOTE: If you can stand it, the longer this sauce sits.the better it gets. Process until well blended, then stir into yogurt. Taste before adding any extra salt, then salt if needed.

Sauce tzatziki instructions de recette

  1. Râpez les concombre salez et réserver.
  2. 1h après mettez dans passoire à égouttez.
  3. Récupérez votre concombre sans l'eau rajouter votre yaourt grecque le citron et et la cc de miel.

Place in refrigerator for at least two hours before serving so flavors can blend. The ingredient list now reflects the servings specified. Stir together yogurt, grated cucumber, garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil in a bowl. Add lemon zest, dill, salt, and pepper; whisk until smooth. Tzatziki is a creamy Greek yogurt sauce with cucumbers and fresh garlic.


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