moyen le plus simple de cuisiner Appétissant Bandana Split healthy

Bandana Split healthy. Healthy ingredients, like cottage cheese (or yogurt), fresh fruits and nuts that make up this banana split may already be part of your breakfast routine, but when you dress them up in a fun banana split bowl somehow, they just seem so decadent! Preparing this banana split is so easy, even the kids can do it! Split the banana in half lengthwise and place in a dish.

Bandana Split healthy It's a new year and we are on dedicated to making healthier eating choices! Healthy Banana Split Recipe There are so many variations to dressing these Healthy Banana Splits. Choosing different greek yogurt flavors, or different toppings such as coconut, crushed almonds, or dried apricots will provide many fun options. Vous pouvez cuisiner Bandana Split healthy utilisant 5 Ingrédients et 4 instructions. Voici comment vous cuisinez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Bandana Split healthy

  1. C'est 1 of yaourt brassé.
  2. C'est 1 of banane coupées en deux dans le sens de la longueur.
  3. Vous avez besoin 1 of part de "faux Brownies aux dattes".
  4. C'est of déco de votre choix, ici une forêt de fraises.
  5. Préparer of Pour un équilibre parfait ajouter des weetabix ou flocons avoine.

Serve for breakfast, dessert, or at birthday parties. A banana split is one of my favorite desserts and this healthier version is just delicious as your classic. Topped with fresh fruits, Greek yogurt and runny peanut butter, it can also be served for breakfast! Honestly I wouldn't even call this a recipe.

Bandana Split healthy pas à pas de recette

  1. Mettre le yaourt au fond d'une assiette creuse.
  2. Disposer la banane dessus. Pour un résultat plus "réconfort" vous pouvez la faire griller un peu au four.
  3. Tartiner une part de banane de brownies aux dattes.
  4. Décorez votre assiette des toppings de votre choix :).

Top the yogurt with berries, granola, and your favorite superfoods and dig in! If you make this Healthy Breakfast Banana Split, be sure to tag me on Instagram: @becksliveshealthy. Make this healthy banana split recipe as a better-for-you alternative to the traditional dessert. Serve as an afternoon snack, or as a twist on breakfast. When my sister sent me a photo of a yogurt banana split, I knew I had to try one.


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